



合唱: 圣马汀学会合唱团(The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Chorus)演奏: 皇家爱乐乐团(The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 原曲:《牧师扎多克》Zadok...


歌曲:Champions League(欧冠主题曲)歌手:Various Artists 填词:Various Artists 谱曲:Various Artists 歌词中...

欧冠主题曲-Champion league 的歌词(英文加中文)。

曲名:《Champions League》歌词:Ce sont les meilleures equipes (法语) (他们是最好的球队)Sie sind die allerbesten Mannschaften (德语) (他们是最好的球队)T...

求阿森纳欧冠决赛歌曲We're on our way的歌词

Me and you, we're different Don't always see eye to eye You go left, and I go right And sometimes when we even fight That don't mean that I won't need a...


Ce sont les meilleures equipes Es sind die allerbesten Mannschaften The main event Die Meister Die Besten Les grandes equipes The champions Une grande r...

阿森纳欧冠决赛主题曲歌词(we are on the way)

Que sera,sera,(西班牙语) 世事难料,难料 What ever will be, will be 没有什么不可能 We're going to the game in Paris,我们进军巴黎 Que sera,sera没有什么不...

求歌词!!we are on the way 06年欧冠的阿森纳球迷自

Me and you, we're different Don't always see eye to eye You go left, and I go right And sometimes when we even fight That don't mean that I won't need a...

2008欧冠主题曲[ can you hear me ]歌词

The times when you wanna.. Im missing you Makes me feel like I’m spinning Sometimes you get what you gain I’m on a coaster-collision Am not about to g...

阿森纳05-06赛季欧冠决赛时的主题曲We're on our wa

by Maidstone (Arsenal Supporters Club)We’re on our way, we’re on our way ..We’re goin’ ta Paris, we’re on our way ..How we get there, we don’t kno...

刚才在欧冠里听到一首歌 歌词翻译过来是 那个属于你

作词:刘一澜 作曲:赵小钧 演唱:谭晶 朝圣的路上总有阿妈放飞祈祷的经幡 仰望高原总有圣地千年不化的雪山 珠穆朗玛是那古海的巨浪 我为你神奇的传说歌唱 天上的...


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